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Green Basil

Green Basil


About the product
  • Thick, semi-succulent, heart-shaped basal leaves are fresh green-colored spinach that grows fast with its soft-stemmed vine.
  • Comes with a mild flavor and mucilaginous texture.
  • Produced in Hydroponic Farm


  • Having antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties, basil helps maintain skin health, boosts digestion, and detoxifies the body. After consuming Basil leaves on a daily basis, one can observe an increase in antioxidant activity and a decrease in blood sugar levels. Basil Leaf is also helpful for people who suffer from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. It helps in the prevention and cure of diseases like cancer, diabetes, and other heart conditions. Fresh basil contains Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, and essential oils. can help to fight inflammation in the body. These anti-inflammatory properties can help to lower the risk of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. heart disease, and bowel issues. Basil leaves act as a kidney tonic by cleansing the kidneys and lowering uric acid levels, which is the root cause of kidney stones. Basil contains compounds like acetic acid which help in the expulsion of kidney stones via urine.
  • The leaves are also commonly used in cooking, though some people eat the leaves raw. You can cook with it, take it in supplement form, or make tea with it. It can help protect against infection, lower your blood sugar, lower your cholesterol, ease joint pain, and protect your stomach. Fresh basil is a great herb for the skin because it’s loaded with essential nutrients including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as manganese, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fats. Consumption of Holy Basil leaves every day will help rev up your metabolism. Thus, it also helps to burn a lot of calories at a faster pace. It converts the food into energy and enhances the nutrient absorption from food in the body.
Storage and Uses
  • Store these fresh leaves by wrapping them in damp paper towels and refrigerating them.
  • We deliver these leafy vegetables in hygienic packages which can be directly stored in your refrigerator.
  • In Karnataka cuisine, the leaves and stems are used to make Basale Soppu Saaru in combination with jackfruit seeds and soupy raita.
  • They are used in curries and cooked with seafood.
  • A thickener for soups or stir-fries with garlic and chili peppers.

Additional information


250 Grams Pack, 500 Grams Pack, 1 KG Pack


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